Night and Day

Navigating an ever-changing society, I attempt to bridge the personal gap experienced between night and day through the expression of my mood.

Captivated by the intricate relationship between the environment and the psyche, I delved into the realms of psychogeography, heterotopias, and nomadology. These concepts hinge on the notion that our living spaces influence our thoughts, characters, and emotions. Employing diverse approaches, they dissect the world, breathing life into both real and imaginary places, complete with physical or imperceptible barriers where rules are altered or shattered, reshaping our perceptions of these spaces and, consequently, of ourselves.

Liberating myself from the confines of the traditionalist and conservative mentality prevalent in the territory of my upbringing, I embraced the opportunity to explore unconventional experiences often deemed taboo. I ventured into my surroundings, seeking these stimulating heterotopias where individuals are propelled by a shared desire for self-expression and embark on daring adventures. Enveloped by the non-judgmental freedom of the night I allowed myself to succumb to temptation—a plunge into the abyss.

In this contradictory existence, I strive for balance, disrupting routine to ward off the dulling effects of a sedentary lifestyle. This disruption safeguards a unique and subjective perspective, preserving the potential for self-discovery and personal development.
In this contradictory existence, I strive for balance, disrupting routine to ward off the dulling effects of a sedentary lifestyle. This disruption safeguards a unique and subjective perspective, preserving the potential for self-discovery and personal development.Heterotopia
A concept to describe certain cultural, institutional and discursive spaces that are somehow “other”: disturbing, intense, incompatible, contradictory or transformative. Heterotopias are worlds within worlds, which mirror and yet upset what is outside.

The study of the effects of the geographic environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behaviors of individuals.

The study of personal identities that are not rooted in one place or limited to a single fixed view of the world.